~$ git clone "https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/validation"
A mariadb database instance is needed for both modes of the UI with the appropriate databases and tables in order for the back-end system to store and retrieve data.
The pom.xml file supports the creation of an appropriate docker image for development purposes. The initialization scripts reside under the db-scripts directory.
Also, a script has been developed, namely validation/docker/mariadb/deploy.sh which easily deploys the container. This script accepts the following items as input parameters:
In order to setup the development environment, the following tools are needed:
- JDK 1.8
- Maven
- docker
- MySQL client
Execute the commands below in order to install these tools (note that the PROXY_IP and PROXY_PORT variables must be substituted with the ones that are used by the hosting operating system)
If the host is behind a proxy, define this proxy using the following commands:
~$ sudo touch etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::http::proxy \"http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::https::proxy \"https://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::ftp::proxy \"ftp://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/\";" >> etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf'
~$ sudo apt-get update
~$ export http_proxy=http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>
~$ export https_proxy=http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>
Install jdk and maven using the following commands:
~$ sudo apt install default-jdk
~$ sudo apt install maven
If the host is behind a proxy, configure this proxy for maven:
~$ nano ~/.m2/settings.xml
<Paste the following lines><settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
</settings><Save and exit from nano>
Install docker using the following commands:
~$ sudo apt install docker.io
~$ sudo groupadd docker
~$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
~$ newgrp docker
If the host is behind a proxy, configure docker to use this proxy:
~$ mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
~$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
<Paste the following lines>[Service]
Environment="HTTP_PROXY=http://<PROXY_IP>:<PROXY_PORT>/"<Save and exit from nano>
~$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
~$ sudo systemctl restart docker
Install mySQL client:
~$ sudo apt install mysql-client
A mariadb database instance is needed for both modes of the UI with the appropriate databases and tables in order for the back-end system to store and retrieve data.
The pom.xml file supports the creation of an appropriate docker image for development purposes. The initialization scripts reside under the db-scripts directory.
Also, a script has been developed, namely validation/docker/mariadb/deploy.sh which easily deploys the container. This script accepts the following items as input parameters:
CONTAINER_NAME, name of the container, default value is akraino-validation-mariadb
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD, the desired mariadb root user password, this variable is required
UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD, the desired Blueprint Validation UI password for the admin user, this variable is required
UI_AKRAINO_PASSWORD, the desired Blueprint Validation UI password for the akraino user, this variable is required
REGISTRY, registry of the mariadb image, default value is akraino
NAME, name of the mariadb image, default value is validation
TAG_PRE, first part of the image version, default value is mariadb
TAG_VER, last part of the image version, default value is latest
MARIADB_HOST_PORT, port on which mariadb is exposed on host, default value is 3307
Currently, two users are supported for the UI, namely admin (full privileges) and akraino (limited privileges). Their passwords must be defined in the database.
The mariadb root user password (currently the UI connects to the database using root privileges), the UI admin password and the UI akraino password should be configured using the appropriate variables and the following commands should be executed:
~$ cd validation/ui
~$ mvn docker:build -Ddocker.filter=akraino/validation:dev-mariadb-latest
~$ cd ../docker/mariadb
~$ ./deploy.sh TAG_PRE=dev-mariadb MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root user password> UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<UI admin user password> UI_AKRAINO_PASSWORD=<UI akraino user password>
In order to retrieve the IP of the mariadb container, the following command should be executed:
~$ docker inspect <name of the mariadb container>
Furthermore, the TAG_PRE variable should be defined because the default value is 'mariadb' (note that the 'dev-mariadb' is used for development purposes - look at pom.xml file).
If the database must be re-deployed (it is assumed that the corresponding mariadb container has been stopped and deleted) while the persistent storage already exists (currently, the directory /var/lib/mariadb of the host is used), a different approach should be used after the image build process.
To this end, another script has been developed, namely validation/docker/mariadb/deploy_with_existing_storage.sh which easily deploys the container. This script accepts the following as input parameters:
CONTAINER_NAME, the name of the container, default value is akraino-validation-mariadb
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD, the desired mariadb root user password, this variable is required
REGISTRY, the registry of the mariadb image, default value is akraino
NAME, the name of the mariadb image, default value is validation
TAG_PRE, the first part of the image version, default value is mariadb
TAG_VER, the last part of the image version, default value is latest
MARIADB_HOST_PORT, the port on which mariadb is exposed on host, default value is 3307
In order to deploy the image using only the required parameters and the existing persistent storage, the below instructions should be followed:
The mariadb root user password (currently the UI connects to the database using root privileges) should be configured using the appropriate variable and the following commands should be executed:
~$ cd validation/docker/mariadb
~$ ./deploy_with_existing_persistent_storage.sh TAG_PRE=dev-mariadb MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root user password>
Finally, if the database must be re-deployed (it is assumed that the corresponding mariadb container has been stopped and deleted) and the old persistent storage must be deleted, the directory on the host machine where data is stored should be first deleted (note that all database's data will be lost).
To this end, after the image build process, the following commands should be executed:
~$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mariadb
~$ cd validation/docker/mariadb
~$ ./deploy.sh TAG_PRE=dev-mariadb MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root user password> UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<UI admin user password> UI_AKRAINO_PASSWORD=<UI akraino user password>
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ../../ui/db-scripts/examples/initialize_db_example.sql
In the context of the full control loop mode, the following tables must be initialized with appropriate data:
- lab (here every lab owner should store the name of the lab)
- timeslot (here every lab owner should register the available timeslots that can be used for blueprint validation test execution)
- silo (here every lab owner should register the silo which is used for storing results in Nexus, for example for AT&T lab the value is 'att-blu-val')
- blueprint (here every blueprint owner should register the name of the blueprint)
- blueprint_instance_for_validation (here every blueprint owner should register the blueprint instances for validation, i.e. version, layer and description of a layer)
mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ../../ui/db-scripts/examples/initialize_db_example.sql
In order to retrieve the IP of the mariadb container, the following command should be executed:
~$ docker inspect <name of the mariadb container>
Furthermore, the TAG_PRE variable should be defined because the default value is 'mariadb' (note that the 'dev-mariadb' is used for development purposes - look at pom.xml file).
If the database must be re-deployed (it is assumed that the corresponding mariadb container has been stopped and deleted) while the persistent storage already exists (currently, the 'akraino-validation-mariadb' docker volume is used), a different approach should be used after the image building process.
To this end, another script has been developed, namely validation/docker/mariadb/deploy_with_existing_storage.sh which easily deploys the container. This script accepts the following as input parameters:
CONTAINER_NAME, the name of the container, default value is akraino-validation-mariadb
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD, the desired mariadb root user password, this variable is required
REGISTRY, the registry of the mariadb image, default value is akraino
NAME, the name of the mariadb image, default value is validation
TAG_PRE, the first part of the image version, default value is mariadb
TAG_VER, the last part of the image version, default value is latest
MARIADB_HOST_PORT, the port on which mariadb is exposed on host, default value is 3307
In order to deploy the image using only the required parameters and the existing persistent storage, the below instructions should be followed:
The mariadb root user password (currently the UI connects to the database using root privileges) should be configured using the appropriate variable and the following commands should be executed:
~$ cd validation/docker/mariadb
~$ ./deploy_with_existing_persistent_storage.sh TAG_PRE=dev-mariadb MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root user password>
Finally, if the database must be re-deployed (it is assumed that the corresponding mariadb container has been stopped and deleted) and the old persistent storage must be deleted, the used docker volume should be first deleted (note that all database's data will be lost).
To this end, after the image build process, the following commands should be executed:
~$ docker volume rm akraino-validation-mariadb
~$ cd validation/docker/mariadb
~$ ./deploy.sh TAG_PRE=dev-mariadb MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root user password> UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<UI admin user password> UI_AKRAINO_PASSWORD=<UI akraino user password>
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ../../ui/db-scripts/examples/initialize_db_example.sql
Some of this data is illustrated below (refer to 'org.akraino.validation.ui.data' package for more info regarding available values):
id:1, lab:0 (0 stands for AT&T)
id:1 , start date and time: 'now', duration: null, lab: 1
In the context of the full control loop mode, the following tables must be initialized with appropriate data:
- lab (here every lab owner should store the name of the lab)
- timeslot (here every lab owner should register the available timeslots that can be used for blueprint validation test execution)
- silo (here every lab owner should register the silo which is used for storing results in Nexus, for example for AT&T lab the value is 'att-blu-val'
id: 3 , name : 'REC'
Blueprint Instances:
id: 2, blueprint_id: 3 (i.e. REC), version: "latest", layer: 0 (i.e. Hardware), layer_description: "AT&T Hardware"
It should be noted that currently the start date and time and the duration of the timeslot are not taken into account by the UI (see limitation section). Therefore, a user should define 'now' and null respectively for their content.
Based on this data, the UI enables the user to select an appropriate blueprint instance for validation.
Currently, this data cannot be retrieved dynamically by the UI (see limitations subsection). For this reason, in cases of new data, a user should define new entries in this database.
For example, if a user wants to define a new lab with the following data:
lab: Community
the following file should be created:
name: dbscript
use akraino;
insert into lab values(2, 2);
2 stands for community lab. Refer to 'org.akraino.validation.ui.data' package for more info.
Then, the following command should be executed:
- blueprint (here every blueprint owner should register the name of the blueprint)
- blueprint_instance_for_validation (here every blueprint owner should register the blueprint instances for validation, i.e. version, layer and description of a layer)
The following file can be used for initializing the aforementioned data (as it was performed in the above example using the 'mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ../../ui/db-scripts/examples/initialize_db_example.sql' command):
Some of this data is illustrated below (refer to 'org.akraino.validation.ui.data' package for more info regarding available values):
id:1, lab:0 (0 stands for AT&T)Timeslots:
id:1 , start date and time: 'now', duration: null, lab: 1Silo
id:1, silo: 'att-blu-val', lab: 1Blueprints:
id: 3 , name : 'REC'Blueprint Instances:
id: 2, blueprint_id: 3 (i.e. REC), version: "latest", layer: 0 (i.e. Hardware), layer_description: "AT&T Hardware"
It should be noted that currently the start date and time and the duration of the timeslot are not taken into account by the UI (see limitation section). Therefore, a user should define 'now' and null respectively for their content.
Based on this data, the UI enables the user to select an appropriate blueprint instance for validation.
Currently, this data cannot be retrieved dynamically by the UI (see limitations subsection). For this reason, in cases of new data, a user should define new entries in this database.
For example, if a user wants to define a new timeslot lab with the following data:
start date and time:'now', duration: 0, lab: AT&TCommunity
the following file should be created:
name: dbscript
use akraino;
insert into
lab values(2,
1 is the id of the AT&T lab.2 stands for community lab. Refer to 'org.akraino.validation.ui.data' package for more info.
Then, the following command should be executed:
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ./dbscript.sql
For example, if a user wants to define a new silo timeslot with the following data:
start date and time:'community-blu-valnow', duration: 0, lab: AT&T
the following file should be created:
name: dbscript
use akraino;
insert into
timeslot values(2, '
now', null, 1);
2 1 is the id of the community AT&T lab.
Then, the following command should be executed:
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ./dbscript.sql
FurthermoreFor example, if a user wants to define a new blueprint, namely "newBlueprint" and a new instance of this blueprint silo with the following data:
version: "latest", layer: 2 (i.e. K8s), layer_description: "K8s with High Availability Ingress controller"silo: 'community-blu-val', lab: AT&T
the following file should be created:
name: dbscript
use akraino;
insert into silo values(2, 'community-blu-val', 2);
2 is the id of the community lab.
Then, the following command should be executed:
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ./dbscript.sql
Furthermore, if a user wants to define a new blueprint, namely "newBlueprint" and a new instance of this blueprint with the following data:
version: "latest", layer: 2 (i.e. K8s), layer_description: "K8s with High Availability Ingress controller');"
Then, the following command file should be executedcreated:
name: dbscript
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ./dbscript.sql
The UI will automatically retrieve this new data and display it to the user.
Jenkins Configuration
Recall that for full control loop, a Jenkins instance is needed capable of executing blueprint validation tests to the specified lab. The Blueprint validation UI will trigger job executions in that instance.
It should be noted that it is not the UI responsibility to deploy a Jenkins instance.
Furthermore, this instance must have the following option enabled: "Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security -> Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits".
Also, currently, the corresponding Jenkins job should accept the following as input parameters: "SUBMISSION_ID", "BLUEPRINT", "VERSION", "LAYER" and "UI_IP".
The "SUBMISSION_ID" and "UI_IP" parameters (i.e. IP address of the UI host machine-this is needed by the Jenkins instance in order to send back Job completion notification) are created and provided by the back-end part of the UI.
The "BLUEPRINT", "VERSION" and "LAYER" parameters are configured by the UI user.
Moreover, as the Jenkins notification plugin (https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Notification+Plugin) seems to ignore proxy settings, the corresponding Jenkins job must be configured to execute the following commands at the end (Post-build Actions)
cookie=`curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST --insecure --silent http://$UI_IP:8080/AECBlueprintValidationUI/login_external -d "loginId=akraino&password=akraino" 2>&1 | grep "Set-Cookie: " | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
curl -v --cookie $cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --insecure --silent http://$UI_IP:8080/AECBlueprintValidationUI/api/jenkinsJobNotification/ --data '{"submissionId": "'"$SUBMISSION_ID"'" , "name":"'"$JOB_NAME"'", "buildNumber":"'"$BUILD_NUMBER"'"}'
use akraino;
insert into blueprint (blueprint_id, blueprint_name) values(4, 'newBlueprint');
insert into blueprint_instance (blueprint_instance_id, blueprint_id, version, layer, layer_description) values(6, 4, 'latest', 2, 'K8s with High Availability Ingress controller');
Then, the following command should be executed:
~$ mysql -p<MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD> -uroot -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ./dbscript.sql
The UI will automatically retrieve this new data and display it to the user.
Jenkins Configuration
Recall that for full control loop, a Jenkins instance is needed capable of executing blueprint validation tests to the specified lab. The Blueprint validation UI will trigger job executions in that instance.
It should be noted that it is not the UI responsibility to deploy a Jenkins instance.
Furthermore, this instance must have the following option enabled: "Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security -> Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits".
Also, currently, the corresponding Jenkins job should accept the following as input parameters: "SUBMISSION_ID", "BLUEPRINT", "VERSION", "LAYER", "LAB" and "UI_IP".
The "SUBMISSION_ID" and "UI_IP" parameters (i.e. IP address of the UI host machine-this is needed by the Jenkins instance in order to send back Job completion notification) are created and provided by the back-end part of the UI.
The "BLUEPRINT", "VERSION", "LAYER" and "LAB" parameters are configured by the UI user.
Moreover, as the Jenkins notification plugin (https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Notification+Plugin) seems to ignore proxy settings, the corresponding Jenkins job must be configured to execute the following commands at the end (Post-build Actions)
Nexus server
All the blueprint validation results are stored in Nexus server for both modes of the UI.
It should be noted that it is not the UI responsibility to deploy a Nexus server.
In the context of the full control loop, these These results must be available in the following url:
https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/<lab_silo>/job/<Jenkins Job name>/<Jenkins job number><Blueprint name>/<Blueprint version>/<timestamp>/results/<layer>/<name_of_the_test_suite>.
where <lab_silo> is the silo used by a lab for storing results in Nexus (for example 'att-blu-val'), <Jenkins job <Blueprint name> is the Jenkins job name that is triggered by the UI, <Jenkins job number> is the number of the Jenkins job that produced this resultname of the blueprint, <Blueprint version> the the blueprint version, <timestamp> is the timestamp used for producinf the results, <layer> is the blueprint layer and <name_of_the_test_suite> is the name of the corresponding test suite.
If multiple test suites are available, multiple test suite names should be created.
test_suite> is the name of the corresponding test suite.
Below, an example URL is illustrated
Moreover, the results should be stored in the 'output.xml' file and placed in the aforementioned URL using the following format:
In the context of partial control, the results must be available in the following url:
~$ cd validation/ui
~$ mvn clean package
CONTAINER_NAME, the name of the contaner, default value is akraino-validation-ui
DB_CONNECTIONIP_URLPORT, the URL connection with the akraino database IP and port of the maridb instance, this variable is required
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD, the mariadb root user password, this variable is required
REGISTRY, the registry of the mariadb image, default value is akraino
NAME, the name of the mariadb image, default value is validation
TAG_PRE, the first part of the image version, default value is ui
TAG_VER, the last part of the image version, default value is latest
JENKINS_URL, the URL of the Jenkins instance (http or https must be defined), this variable is required
JENKINS_USERNAME, the Jenkins user name, this variable is required
JENKINS_USER_PASSWORD, the Jenkins user password, this variable is required
JENKINS_JOB_NAME, the name of Jenkins job capable of executing the blueprint validation tests, this variable is required
NEXUS_PROXY, the needed proxy in order for the Nexus server to be reachable, default value is none
JENKINS_PROXY, the needed proxy in order for the Jenkins server to be reachable, default value is none
- The mariadb root user password (look at the Database subsection)
- The URL for connecting to the akraino database IP and port of the mariadb
- The Jenkins url
- The Jenkins username and password
- The name of Jenkins Job
~$ cd validation/ui
~$ mvn docker:build -Ddocker.filter=akraino/validation:dev-ui-latest
~$ cd ../docker/ui
~$ ~$ ./deploy.sh TAG_PRE=dev-ui DB_CONNECTIONIP_URL=<Url in order to connect to akraino database PORT=<IP and port of the mariadb> MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<mariadb root password> JENKINS_URL=<http://jenkinsIP:port> JENKINS_USERNAME=<Jenkins user> JENKINS_USER_PASSWORD=<Jenkins password> JENKINS_JOB_NAME=<Jenkins job name>
The content of the DB_CONNECTIONIP_URL PORT can be for example ' (i.e. IP and port of the database container plus '/akraino').
Furthermore, the TAG_PRE variable should be defined as the default value is 'ui' (note that the 'dev-ui' is used for development purposes - look at pom.xml file).
The UI should be available in the following url:
Note that the deployment uses the network host mode, so the 8080 must be available on the host.
- The partial loop mode is not currently supported.
on the host.
- The UI has been tested using Chrome and Firefox browsers.
- The back-end part of the UI does not take into account the start date and time and duration of the configured timeslot. It immediately triggers the corresponding Jenkins Job.
- Results data manipulation (filtering, graphical representation, indexing in time order, etc) is not supported.
- Only the following labs are supported: AT&T, Ericsson, Community and Arm.
- Only the following tabs are functional: 'Committed Submissions', 'Blueprint Validation Results -> Get by submission id'.
- The UI configures only the "BLUEPRINT", "VERSION", "LAYER", "SUBMISSION_ID" and "UI_IP" input parameters of the Jenkins jobtimeslot. It immediately triggers the corresponding Jenkins Job.
- Results data manipulation (filtering, graphical representation, indexing in time order, etc) is not supported.
- The silos, labs, and the available blueprints and timeslots must be manually configured in the mariadb database.
- Logout action is not currently supported.